Book Reviews

Separated Lives Reviews

Are you a fan of genealogy or an amateur sleuth? This book is a short glimpse into how Lynn helped her sons friend track down his birth parents through perseverance and the internet. With the help of Google and several genealogy sites and other genealogy hobbyists Lynn was able to track down Ryan’s birth parents.
– Heidi G.

I found Separated Lives highly engaging. It’s a short book, but what could be more filled with natural emotional highs and lows than someone trying to uncover, or to take the lead in helping someone else discover who they really are and where they come from, the journey to find their roots but also answer the mysteries and questions of selfhood, which we all have? I was impressed by both the author’s tenacity, tactful but assertive methodology, and empathy for her subject, as well as her homespun, direct literary style. I would recommend it, definitely.
– Paul A.

A fascinating short story about the search for birth parents and the unexpected twists that search takes. More than that, it is a commentary on the need for human love, acceptance and relationship and the joy that can be found in giving instead of receiving.
– Aris A.

I Thought There Was a Road There
Amazon Reviews

Although I am somewhat biased toward a favorable review (being the subject of part of the material) I still maintain that this is a collection of real-life inspirational pearls, especially for anyone who has ever been a parent. The author uses each story to make a clear point about faith in God and what's really important about life and faith. The real-life scenarios will cause you to reflect on similar events in your own life and perhaps derive some greater meaning/benefit from your own experiences. Once you start reading it is hard to put it down until you read just one more story. Kids and adults alike appreciate this book. I would highly recommend it. This book also makes and excellent gift. Everyone to whom we have given a copy has had nothing but enthusiastic comments.

Aris Assimacopoulos

God is always on stand-by waiting for our call to come with a Spiritual Tow Truck, to pull us out. He Probably shakes His head, keeps calm as He pulls us out, smiles & hopes we can muster up enough sense to go in the right direction next time. The story that became the title for Lynn Assimacopoulos' book is a typical teenager's winter blunder which turned his family upside-down until rescue was made. That is when you first meet Lynn's sense of humor, Faith & unflappability. This simple & pleasing writer brings chintz & charm, danger & durability, humility & humor to her stories of everyday problems solved in unlikely, often serendipitous ways, all with the help of her friendly Spiritual Tow Trucker!

Rebecca Brown

What a blessing his book was to me. I started out just reading just the first chapter then found myself not wanting to put it down. Often in our lives we miss the important lessons. Going from childhood to adults, then raising our own children. This book made me look at the whole picture. Our lives are important enough to take the time to beieve in the powers that be. Each day will be full of triumph or tragedy but with faith we will all be stronger for it.

Denni Lindsay

I enjoyed this woman's review of her family's experiences with a Christian meaning for every thing that happens. Written with humor. I plan to give this book as a gift to all of my sister-in-laws for their birthdays- I only hope they enjoy it as much as I did.

Carolyn Christensen

What a fun little book! Each chapter is a story/devotional that made me think and smile. It's the type of book I like to read before going to bed! I plan to give several as gifts.

Amazon Customer